IL Real Estate Pre-License – Course Final Exam Test Taking Details

Illinois real estate license law does not permit students to complete self-study exam(s) alone. A proctor must administer the exam(s) and enforce test-taking rules. Students will only be eligible to schedule course final exams when all required coursework has been completed, including attendance at all mandatory class or webinar sessions (when applicable). Real Estate Institute permits students to complete their final exam online remotely with our approved proctoring service.

A student is required to provide proper identification for check-in. We accept the following forms of ID for Pre-License exams (any State/Federal issued photo ID):

  • Driver’s License
  • State ID
  • Passport
  • Passport Card
  • Military ID

Real Estate Institute has partnered with a third-party proctoring service to administer all proctored final exams. Appointments are required, and availability can be viewed in the exam schedule from the Student Portal. Students requesting an online proctored final exam must have:

  1. Reliable, high-speed internet connection
  2. One of the following camera-enabled mobile devices:
    1. Phone
    2. iPad
    3. Android smartphone
    4. Android tablet
  3. One of the following computers:
    1. Mac desktop or laptop
    2. Windows desktop or laptop
    3. Chromebook
  4. A modern web browser on each device
  5. Blank sheet of scratch paper
  6. A pencil
  7. A basic calculator
  8. Current/Valid Photo ID
  9. Login credentials to REI Student Portal

The student will receive an e-mail with a direct link to connect with the proctor. The proctor will go over the exam rules and procedures and instruct the student on when to begin their examination. After submitting the exam, it will be scored immediately, and the student will be permitted to review the exam afterward. Once the scheduled exams are completed, the proctor will provide some final instructions and a follow-up email and/or call from a member of the Real Estate Institute support team within a business day.

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